
Showing posts from May, 2019


            TOP 5 SEXIEST POLITICIANS by Ryan Schnocket Although they are powerful and run the world, most male politicians are decidedly unsexy. Lucky for our greedy eyes though, there are still a few diamonds hiding in the white-haired, overweight rough. Many of those listed below have bodies and looks that would never lead you to believe they work in government. Here are the sexiest male politicians in America, as decided on by me, someone with way too much time on his hands. 5. Gavin Newsom Gavin Newsom is the current governor of California, which is all I know about him other than him being relatively good looking. At 51 years old, Gavin has already past the age at which his gender retains any degree of usefulness. Despite this, he barely looks a day over 30, which does give him some inherent value. He seems to have no problem showing plenty of skin, teasing voters' imaginations with just a hint of clavicle. With a strong jawline like that, has my vote for sure! 

Lets Talk About Parks and Rec

Parks and Rec has been my favorite American show since I started watching it, so I'll be talking about it   analyzing it as a piece of entertainment media. The show is a comedy centered around a parks and recreation department in a random town in Indiana, with its overzealous deputy director, Leslie Knope. Most of the show revolves around her and her coworkers and their various antics, with most of the conflicts being caused by Leslie's overambitious projects or some sort of bureaucratic incompetence, either in the department or higher up. Strictly as a piece of media, Parks and Rec obviously seeks to make money. Given that I've seen around 5 seasons of it on Netflix, and don't recall any product placement, only fictional businesses, I'm pretty sure that's not how they're getting their money. So that means that when the show ran (as I watch it on Netflix) it was getting money exclusively from the commercials woven into the program. This means the top prio

A Week of Just Media

I was just sick for over a week, a time during which I was in constant pain rendering me largely incapable of doing work, eating just about anything that wasn't bread or rice, or even sleeping for the most part. During this time I only left the house for brief walks, or to go to doctor's appointments. For the most part, I was completely useless, and all I really could do was lie around, read if the pain receded a little, and use various forms of media, mostly through my phone. How that last thing affected me will be the topic of this post. While a fair amount of the time "on my phone" was just me lying down listening to various music, I won't pretend I spent any small amount of time watching Youtube, or various TV shows. I watched probably over 30 episodes of a video game play list, hundreds of short several miscellaneous sketches, and almost an entire season of a show I've been watching. I also spent way too much time reading posts and comments on internet

How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?

Since I don't get really into brands for clothing and shoes and all that nonsense, nor do I read magazines, the only type of pseudo-targeted marketing I feel comfortable with talking about is internet ads. Since the only media platforms with ads I really tend to use are Reddit and Youtube, I'll mostly talk about those. Starting out, Reddit is definitely more specialized. It seems to focus on things it thinks I would actually want, such as video games, sports, and headphones. While the advertising isn't perfect, as it seems to assume I'm interested in buying a basketball off the internet despite never having spent time in any basketball-related communities, it has definitely identified that I'm fairly young and targeted ads accordingly. Unsurprisingly, a documentary on advertising from almost 20 years ago is pretty dated, and since then I think most advertising firms have realized that playing up a "cool" factor doesn't always work too well. Teenagers w

Mueller Report Part 2

Since I enjoyed analyzing the bias different news sources contain last time, I decided to it again, with another article on the Mueller Report ( here ). This is a CNN article about Robert Mueller's possible testimony against Trump, and why he may or may not testify to begin with, despite having lead an investigation on Trump for the past few years. The article refers to the hearing as "what could become the most consequential hearing of the Trump administration" which is an example of weasel words as it specifically says "could" which is an extremely weak word for implying something will happen, and allows the writer to avoid being accused of inaccurate information. I COULD run away from home to  join a traveling circus troupe, but that certainly doesn't make it at all likely. Any hearing could be the most important as a key breakthrough or confession could occur at any one of them, so the word is just nonsense trying to get reader's hopes up that this w

Talking Politics Online

So, since I don't use a ton of different social media platforms frequently, for this post I'll be focusing on the one I know best: Reddit. The unique thing about Reddit is that since no real follow or subscribe system exists to get updates on a certain user, anyone's ideas can be heard if popular enough. It's also separated into thousands of subreddits however, meaning those with similar viewpoints often end up discussing the same points, and of course, progressing nowhere. While I'm sure their are several left-wing communities who have this problem, a lot of the worst instances are in conservative communities. For instance, two popular communities, one dedicated to praising everything Donald Trump says or does, and another dedicated to "red pilling" or converting people to conservative ideologies, do exactly that, and as such, never have any meaningful discussion. Say what you will about facebook, at least there you don't get reported and banned for h